Saturday, April 25, 2009

How UnLuCkY can one get ?

Had hardly enjoyed home-coming when the bombshell was dropped. Got the info that i am unplaced, again. The "Client requirements", of the company i was placed with, had changed and they were "sincerely apologetic" about not being able to "accommodate" me. Huh! What's the limit of being unlucky, i mean how unlucky can one get? I had my answer with myself. Nothing, on this Earth, is for sure! If ever things were to get bad in future, they couldn't (and wouldn't) get worse than this. So in financial jargon, my luck had "bottomed out". Whoa!

And the count of 201 days, was again ticking... So again rushed back to Mumbai, cooked up stories to convince parents, w/o revealing the actual stuff, lest they would have got (over)worried. Still some ppl say "Why do guys hide things from their parents?"; wHtever!

Anyways, phones were ringing day in-day out. Friends trying to help in whichever way the could have. Placecom members taking time off their own busy schedules (during internship) to help me get placed was really overwhelming. The entire batch was placed, while most of them had already started their summers. And here I was - directionless, and still continuing with the hunt that began on September 19th. Contacts of my contacts were of no avail, still everyone was doing his/her bit (including my roomies who ensured that I do not get too depressed). 

Finally, got myself (with others' help) a decent project with a finance co in Delhi. Now packing my bags for the capital city. Hope i am not in for any more (unlucky) surprises there!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Surprise visit back home.........

The two weeks since pre-exam time have been a roller coaster ride. First placed after a terribly long wait, then a chance to sit for the  best company on campus this year, then regretting my Physics marks in 12th boards, and finally settling down with all that i hv got (settling after having unsettled quite a few nerves in placecom). 

Internship postponed by a week (yipppppy), rush back home without a reserved ticket. Due to impatience (Hadbadiya, as my dad puts it) i just missed the chance to give my mom a pleasant suprise :( 

Now enjoying (read EATING) like never b4 with 4 meals a day, snacks and high-tea extraaa! Putting on like anything, sure to gain 5 kilos b4 losing it all during my internship. Eatingg time...

p.s: I did repay the principal and the interest at the temple, as per my earlier resolution!